The Udemy course I was suggested to try is Build a Static Website step by step, by Sanjeev Jaiswal. As you may guess from the name, the tutor has an Indian English accent and takes some adjustment to understand. After a brief introduction, he creates a minimal static website using Hugo, takes it online, and then checks if you understood what you've done.
Sanjeev uses a Mac, and the Atom editor. Alas, both are not within my budget. I use a Raspberry Pi-400 homecomputer, and Atom seems not yet available for that system. Instead I'll be using Visual Studio Code, a free development platform by Microsoft.
You might think it's so short, just watch the videos, and be done with it. However, I know from experience that Hugo isn't easy to understand. It's important to take your time, and realize that becoming proficient with a technlogy like Hugo takes years.
So, here's hoping my second attempt fares better. My first attempt with YouTube videos by Mike Dane slowed down to a grinding halt. He too was working with an Apple Macintosh computer, and after a slow introduction went off the rails for me. No one is to blame. His teaching style simply didn't coincide with my learning abilities. It happens.